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Sustainability Glossary: Food & Sustainability

Writer's picture: GREEN HospitalityGREEN Hospitality
In 2015, the UN committed to the goal of Zero Hunger to “end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.” However, we have still a lot of work to do to achieve that goal. Earlier this year, estimates by the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) found that over 43 million people are at risk of experiencing famine or famine-like conditions, with another report suggesting that an additional 83 to 132 million people will experience food insecurity as a result of the pandemic.

在2015年,聯合國承諾實現零饑餓,承諾 「消除饑餓,實現糧食安全,改善營養,促進永續農業」。然而,隨著2030年的臨近,事實證明這是一個比預期更大的挑戰,疫情發展加劇了影響,並對挑戰構成了額外的障礙: 在今年早些的時候,世界糧食銀行計劃署和聯合國糧食及農業組織估計超過4300萬人面臨饑荒或類似饑荒的情况。另一份報告顯示8300萬至1.32億人由於疫情,將面臨糧食不安全。

Food is essential to sustainable development not only due to its importance for human survival and ending hunger, but also because it contributes to all of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. For instance, sustainable food systems could help reduce the impact of climate change, reduce food waste, and help fight against poverty and conflict, paving the way for a greater, sustainable future for the prosperity of our planet and the generations to come.

糧食對於可持續發展至關重要,不僅因為它對人類生存和消除饑餓的重要性,而且因為它有助於實現所有可持續發展目標:例如,持續的糧食系統可以幫助减少氣候變化的影響减少浪費幫助戰勝貧困,共同為我們周圍的世界做出貢獻。 為我們的世界和後代的繁榮創造更好、持續性的未來。

By contributing to a more sustainable food system, be it through your diet or by reducing waste, you could contribute towards the sustainability of our planet, for yourself and the generations after us. Stay tuned for more as we continue in our journey along the Sustainability Glossary!

通過促進更持續的食物系統,無論是通過你的飲食還是减少浪費,你都可以為我們這個地球的可持續性做出貢獻,為你自己和我們的後代。 請繼續關注我們的可持續發展詞彙表之旅!

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