GREEN Hospitality has teamed up with the Jockey Club Water Initiative on Sustainability and Engagement (JC-WISE) - the Water Wise Campaign - to introduce the Water Footprint concept to Hong Kong’s hospitality industry and the wider public. Through the year, we will engage with key stakeholders to raise awareness around water sustainability issues and garner greater appreciation for freshwater resources through education and advocacy activities.
Hong Kong is a small city with no major natural water resources, and thus relies heavily on imported water from Guangdong Province. The stable supply of freshwater from China, has insulated the people of Hong Kong from the effects of severe dry spells over the years, rendering them somewhat disconnected from the realities of water scarcities which afflict many cities across the globe. This disconnection had led to the people of Hong Kong not valuing water as a precious resource, as reflected by Hong Kong’s consistently rising daily per capita domestic water consumption, which is contrary to the water consumption trends in other major Asian and international cities.
On an average, a person in Hong Kong directly uses over 230 litres of water every day. However, this figure is minuscule compared to the indirect water use, which is a component of our total water consumption, and most people are not aware of it as revealed by the concept of Water Footprint. The average daily Water Footprint of a Hong Konger is estimated to be around 5500 litres, 40% higher than the global Water Footprint average of 3800L.
To highlight this issue, in 2018, the JC-WISE project developed a localised Water Footprint Calculator, illustrating the water usage of everyday products. It showcases the ‘hidden’ freshwater consumption embedded in the making of products and services.
The Water Wise campaign endeavours to create awareness around Hong Konger’s high Water Footprint by connecting their everyday choices and their impact on the world’s shrinking freshwater resources. Through this project, individuals will be challenged to re-think water as a shared and scarce resource, and invited to reduce their Water Footprint by changing their buying habits.
Under the project, training workshops will be delivered to large corporations and restaurants in the city, to facilitate water usage consciousness. It also aims to reach out to the wider public through awareness campaigns with participating restaurants by highlighting low Water Footprint dish options in restaurants, encouraging mindful purchase.
With food accounting for 86% of the Water Footprint, the hospitality industry’s buy-in is crucial to encourage water conservation and reinforce the culture of sustainability. GREEN Hospitality is extremely proud to be working with its network of property management, hotels, and restaurants to deliver this message under the Water Wise Campaign.